Source code for gedml.launcher.creators.config_handler

import os
import logging
from .creator_manager import CreatorManager
from ..misc import utils
from ...config.setting.launcher_setting import (

[docs]class ConfigHandler: """ This class takes charge of reading yaml files, combining config parameters, modifying local parameters and initializing modules. ``ConfigHandler`` will call ``CreatorManager`` to use corresponding sub-creator to do the initialization respectly. Args: link_path (str): Path where the ``link.yaml`` is stored. params_path (str): Path where the params configs are stored. assert_path (str): Path where the ``assert.yaml`` is stored. (To be done!) is_confirm_first (bool): Whether to confirm before starting initialization. default: True. Example: >>> config_handler = ConfigHandler() >>> config_handler.get_params_dict() >>> objects_dict = config_handler.create_all() Todo: - assert parameters. """ def __init__( self, convert_dict={}, link_path=None, assert_path=None, params_path=None, wrapper_path=None, is_confirm_first=True, ): self.convert_dict = convert_dict self.link_path = ( link_path if link_path is not None else DEFAULT_LINK_PATH ) self.assert_path = ( assert_path if assert_path is not None else DEFAULT_ASSERT_PATH ) self.params_path = ( params_path if params_path is not None else DEFAULT_PARAMS_PATH ) self.wrapper_path = ( wrapper_path if wrapper_path is not None else DEFAULT_WRAPPER_PATH ) self.is_confirm_first = is_confirm_first self.creator_manager = CreatorManager() self.initiate_params() @property def core_modules_order_to_create(self): return INITATE_ORDER_LIST @property def output_wrapper_list(self): return WRAPPER_LIST def _get_params_dict_operation(self, data_info, module_type): assert isinstance(data_info, list) self.params_dict[module_type] = {} if module_type in self.output_wrapper_list: self.wrapper_dict[module_type] = {} for item in data_info: # parameters item_key = utils.get_first_dict_key(item) item_value = utils.get_first_dict_value(item) item_params_path = os.path.join(self.params_path, module_type, item_value) item_params_dict = utils.load_yaml(item_params_path) class_value = utils.get_first_dict_key(item_params_dict) params_value = item_params_dict[class_value][PARAMS_KEY] initiate_value = item_params_dict[class_value].get(INITIATE_KEY, None) self.params_dict[module_type][item_key] = { CLASS_KEY: class_value, PARAMS_KEY: params_value, INITIATE_KEY: initiate_value } # wrapper if module_type in self.output_wrapper_list: item_wrapper_path = os.path.join(self.wrapper_path, module_type, class_value + ".yaml") try: item_wrapper_dict = utils.load_yaml(item_wrapper_path)"Load specific wrapper config: {}".format(item_wrapper_path)) except: item_wrapper_path = os.path.join(self.wrapper_path, module_type, "_DEFAULT.yaml") item_wrapper_dict = utils.load_yaml(item_wrapper_path)"Load default wrapper config: {}".format(item_wrapper_path)) self.wrapper_dict[module_type][item_key] = item_wrapper_dict def _get_wrapper_dict_operation(self, data_info, module_type): assert isinstance(data_info, list) output = {} for item in data_info: item_key = utils.get_first_dict_key(item) item_value = utils.get_first_dict_value(item) item_params_path = os.path.join(self.wrapper_path, module_type, ) """ config setting """
[docs] def register_packages(self, module_name, extra_package): """ Register new packages into the specific module-creator. Args: module_name (str): The specific module-creator. extra_package (list or module): Extra packages to be added. """ self.creator_manager.register_packages(module_name, extra_package)
""" About construction of objects dict """ def _get_objects_dict_operation(self, params_info, module_type): assert isinstance(params_info, dict) output = {} for k, v in params_info.items(): self._maybe_search_params( module_params=v, instance_name=k ) output[k] = self.creator_manager.create( module_type=module_type, module_params=v, ) "... {}: {} created, id={}".format( k, v[CLASS_KEY], id(output[k]) ) ) return output def _maybe_search_params(self, module_params, instance_name): module_args = module_params[PARAMS_KEY] if isinstance(module_args, dict): for k, v in module_args.items(): search_func_name = SEARCH_PARAMS_CONDITION(v) if search_func_name: top_class = SEARCH_TOP_CLASS(v) target_name = SEARCH_TAR_NAME(v) search_func_name = search_func_name.replace(SEARCH_PARAMS_FLAG, "").lower() module_args[k] = getattr(self, search_func_name)(top_class, instance_name, target_name) return module_args def _search_with_same_name_(self, top_class, instance_name, target_name): instance_dict = utils.operate_dict_recursively( src_dict=self.objects_dict[top_class], condition=lambda k, v: v==instance_name, operation=lambda x, params: x ) return instance_dict[instance_name] def _search_with_target_name_(self, top_class, instance_name, target_name): instance_dict = utils.operate_dict_recursively( src_dict=self.objects_dict[top_class], condition=lambda k, v: v==target_name, operation=lambda x, params: x ) return instance_dict[target_name] def _search_with_target_attr_(self, top_class, instance_name, target_name): module_name, attr_name = target_name.split("/") instance_dict = utils.operate_dict_recursively( src_dict=self.objects_dict[top_class], condition=lambda k, v: v==module_name, operation=lambda x, params: x ) return getattr(instance_dict[module_name], attr_name) def _pass_with_objects_dict_(self, top_class, instance_name, target_name): return self.objects_dict def _pass_with_wrapper_dict_(self, top_class, instance_name, target_name): return self.wrapper_dict """ About construction of link config and params dict """
[docs] def get_params_dict(self, link_config=None, modify_link_dict=None): """ Read and combine config parameters. Args: link_config (dict): Link dictionary. modify_link_dict (dict): Modify link config. (Default = None) Returns: dict: params' dictionary. """ link_config = ( self.link_config if link_config is None else link_config ) # maybe modify link dict if modify_link_dict is not None: for k, v in modify_link_dict.items(): assert isinstance(v, list) for item in v: key = utils.get_first_dict_key(item) value = utils.get_first_dict_value(item) index = -1 target_list = link_config.get(k, []) for idx, t_item in enumerate(target_list): if utils.get_first_dict_key(t_item) == key: index = idx if index == -1: link_config[k] = target_list link_config[k].append( {key: value} )"Add {} to {}".format(key, value)) else: link_config[k][index] = {key: value}"Modify {} to {}".format(key, value))"Link-config has been modified!") self.params_dict = {} self.wrapper_dict = {} for k, v in link_config.items(): self._get_params_dict_operation(v, k) return self.params_dict
def get_objects_dict(self, params_dict, link_config): self.objects_dict = {} condition = lambda k, v: isinstance(v, dict) for k in self.core_modules_order_to_create: if link_config.get(k, False): if condition(k, link_config[k]): self.objects_dict[k] = utils.operate_dict_recursively( src_dict=params_dict[k], condition=condition, operation=self._get_objects_dict_operation, flag_dict=link_config[k], addtion_params=k ) else: self.objects_dict[k] = self._get_objects_dict_operation(params_dict[k], k) return self.objects_dict def load_link_config(self): self.link_config = utils.load_yaml(self.link_path) self.general_setting = self.link_config.pop(LINK_GENERAL_KEY, None) def initiate_params(self): self.load_link_config() self.assert_dict = utils.load_yaml(self.assert_path) self.show_link() def show_link(self):"#####################")"Load link config")"#####################") for k, v in self.link_config.items(): if k != LINK_GENERAL_KEY:"... {}".format(k)) assert isinstance(v, list) for item in v:"... ... {}: {}".format( utils.get_first_dict_key(item), utils.get_first_dict_value(item) ) ) if self.is_confirm_first: _ = input("Confirm: ...")
[docs] def create_all(self, change_dict={}): """ Initialize all modules according to params dictionary. Args: change_dict (dict): Dictionary that overwrites certain parameters. (optional) Returns: dict: initialized objects dictionary. """"#####################")"Create objects")"#####################") # update according to argparse self.params_dict = self.maybe_modify_params_dict(self.params_dict, change_dict) # update according to general_setting in link_config if self.general_setting is not None: self.params_dict = self.maybe_modify_params_dict( self.params_dict, self.general_setting ) self.maybe_assert_params_dict(self.params_dict) self.objects_dict = self.get_objects_dict(self.params_dict, self.link_config) return self.objects_dict
def get_certain_params_dict(self, change_list, params_dict=None): params_dict = ( self.params_dict if params_dict is None else params_dict ) assert isinstance(change_list, list) output_dict = {} for k in change_list: curr_dict = {} modify_list = self.convert_dict[k] for modify_path in modify_list: top_class, remain_str = modify_path.split(SPLITER) instance_name, attr_name = remain_str.split(ATTRSYM) # search the instance instance_dict = utils.operate_dict_recursively( src_dict=params_dict[top_class], condition=lambda k, v: v==instance_name, operation=lambda x, params: x )[instance_name] # record parameters curr_dict[modify_path] = instance_dict[PARAMS_KEY][attr_name] output_dict[k] = curr_dict return output_dict def maybe_modify_params_dict(self, params_dict, change_dict={}): assert isinstance(change_dict, dict) for k, v in change_dict.items(): modify_list = self.convert_dict[k] for modify_path in modify_list: top_class, remain_str = modify_path.split(SPLITER) instance_name, attr_name = remain_str.split(ATTRSYM) # search the instance instance_dict = utils.operate_dict_recursively( src_dict=params_dict[top_class], condition=lambda k, v: v==instance_name, operation=lambda x, params: x ).get(instance_name, None) # change parameters if instance_dict is None: logging.warn("{}/{} doesn't exist! modify failed!".format( top_class, instance_name )) else: instance_dict[PARAMS_KEY][attr_name] = v"{}/{}/{} is changed to {}".format( top_class, instance_name, attr_name, v )) return params_dict def maybe_assert_params_dict(self, params_dict): logging.warning("'maybe_assert_params_dict' is not implemented!")