Source code for gedml.core.selectors.hard_selector

import numpy as np 
import torch

from .base_selector import BaseSelector
from ...config.setting.core_setting import (

[docs]class HardSelector(BaseSelector): """ A self-defined selector according to distance weighted sampling method """ def __init__(self, hardneg_cutoff=0.5, is_similarity=False, **kwargs): super(HardSelector, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.hardneg_cutoff = hardneg_cutoff self.is_similarity = is_similarity
[docs] def forward( self, metric_mat, row_labels, col_labels, is_same_source=False ) -> tuple: bs = metric_mat.size(0) device = metric_mat.device dtype = metric_mat.dtype # pos and neg mask matches = (row_labels == col_labels).byte() diffs = matches ^ 1 if not self.is_similarity: hardneg_cutoff = min( torch.max(metric_mat[matches.bool()]).item(), self.hardneg_cutoff ) metric_mat_to_weights = metric_mat.clamp(min=hardneg_cutoff).detach() else: hardneg_cutoff = max( torch.min(metric_mat[matches.bool()]).item(), self.hardneg_cutoff ) metric_mat_to_weights = metric_mat.clamp(max=hardneg_cutoff).detach() # construct the tuple if is_same_source: matches.fill_diagonal_(0) has_pos_mask = torch.where( torch.sum(matches, dim=-1) > 0 )[0] ## anchor indices a_ids = torch.arange(bs).to(device)[has_pos_mask] ## positive indices p_ids = torch.multinomial( input=matches[has_pos_mask].float(), num_samples=1, replacement=True ).flatten() ## negative indices if not self.is_similarity: metric_mat_to_weights[~diffs.bool()] = torch.finfo(dtype).max n_ids = torch.argmin( metric_mat_to_weights[has_pos_mask], dim=-1 ) else: metric_mat_to_weights[~diffs.bool()] = torch.finfo(dtype).min n_ids = torch.argmax( metric_mat_to_weights[has_pos_mask], dim=-1 ) indices_tuple = { INDICES_TUPLE: torch.stack([a_ids, p_ids, n_ids], dim=1), INDICES_FLAG: None } weight = None return ( metric_mat, row_labels, col_labels, is_same_source, indices_tuple, weight, )